2nd International Conference on Open Meadow Fruitgrowing BIRNEN.LEBEN

Verantwortlicher: Christian Haberhauer MaR
Ansprechpartner: Mag. Martina Schuller

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Agenda Day 1: May 2, 2019 (start 9am

Opening – life of pears in the Mostviertel
Christian Haberhauer MaR, GM LEADER Moststraße

Seminar I – Development of open meadow orchards in Austria and Europe (9.30 - 11.45)
DI Katharina Dianat, Association for meadow orchards “ARGE Streuobst
DI Mag. Dr. Martin Schönhart, Institute for Sustainable Economic Development (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU, Vienna)
DI Christian Steiner, Agricultural area authority of Lower Austria „Niederösterreichische Agrarbezirksbehörde

Opening address (11.45 - 12.45)

Lunch buffet (12.45 - 14.00)

Seminar II – Biodiversity in the Mostviertel (14.00 - 15.00)
DI Dr. Martina Schmidthaler & DI Gerlinde Handlechner, Pomologists
DI Florian Schublach, Wildlife Park Ötscher-Tormäuer

Seminar III - Innovative Cultivation in Meadow Orchards (15.00 - 17.15)
DI Martin Degenbeck, Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture
DI Dr. Lothar Wurm, Federal College of Viticulture, Oenology and Fruit, HBLA und Bundesamt für Wein u. Obstbau Klosterneuburg

Visit of the „stay & pass orchard“ at the Hansbauer estate in Haag – transport by bus (Seitenstetten Monastery - Haag – Seitenstetten Monastery)

Closing Talk Day 1 - Wild Bees (17.15 - 18.00)
Heinz Wiesbauer, author "Wilde Bienen" („Wild Bees“) und consulting engineer for landscape planning and conservation

Supper buffet at Mostbaron Hansbauer in Haag (18.00)

Agenda Day 2 – May 3, 2019

Seminar IV – Product Innovations from Meadow Orchards (8.30 - 12.00)
Moderator: Jürgen Schmücking, journalist and author
Alvar Roosimaa, Jaanihanso cidery Estland
Eric Bordelet, Producer Normandie, Frankreich 
Claude Jolicoeur, Canadian Cider producer and author
DI Dr. Manfred Gössinger, Federal College of Viticulture, Oenology and Fruit, HBLA und Bundesamt für Wein u. Obstbau Klosterneuburg
Mag. Mathias Weis, project manager "Innovation Most" - LEADER Region Moststraße

Lunch break with commented tasting (12:00 – 1:30)
Seminar V – Biodiversity and Cultivation (1:30 – 3:30)
DI Dr. Harald Rötzer, AVL Work Group Vegetation Ecology and Landscape Planning Ltd.
Mag. David Bock & Mag. Martin Pollheimer, coopNatura Office for Ecology and Conservation
Mag. Karl Waltl, BIO Austria (Society for Organic Farming)

Closing Talk Day I – World of Trees – The Treasury of the Mostviertel (“Baumwelten - Die Schatzkammer des Mostviertels”) (start 4.30)
Conrad Amber - "Die Stimme der Bäume" (The Voice of Trees), nature photographer and author

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact Mag. Martina Schuller (<Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spam Bots geschützt, zum Ansehen müssen Sie in Ihrem Browser JavaScript aktivieren.>)